The PlayStation brand can come across as one that it treasured deeply in the hearts of people across the world. The dreams and fantasy line of appeal in particular is definitely one performed by the brand. With the range of video games offered by them which include Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, the brand has been able to allow people to indulge in fantasies impossible with the boundaries present in real life. The brand also fulfils the childhood line of appeal since it lets people delve into nostalgia that they may have had as children when playing certain games.
The PlayStation brand is about providing entertainment to its customers.

Tropicana can be viewed as a brand which elevate themselves particularly on the value/line of appeal of nature and the natural world. With their frequent references about how their drinks are 100% pure fruit juice fresh from orange groves, high in vitamin content and count towards one of your 5 a day, the brand can definitely be said to particularly focus on the health aspects of their products. Not only this but they also use the history of the brand frequently in advertising, discussing how the brand has over 65 years of experience in the fruit juice industry.
Tropicana is about providing great taste whilst being healthy.

Nando’s is a Mozambican/Portuguese restaurant which heavily centres itself around the line of appeal of art, culture and history. With them playing what they refer to as ‘Afro-Luso’ music which is a fusion of (South) African and Portuguese music continually in their restaurants, it’s clear that the culture is a huge brand value of Nando’s with it even adding to the general atmosphere of the restaurants. This also carries over into art in which the pieces of artwork in Nando’s restaurants also follow this Afro-Luso fusion with both vibrant and experimental features.
Nando's provides an enriching, distinctive atmosphere to accompany its food

Beats Electronics
As an audio-based brand producing headphones and speaker, Beats Electronics can be said to definitely pride itself upon the self-importance and pride aspect of Dyer’s lines of appeal. Their logo over time has become particularly iconic and the sight of it brings about the perception that the headphones are some of ‘the best’ in the industry based solely on how popular they are. They also can be said to make suggestions towards successful careers since products from the brand are frequently worn by footballers and musicians themselves, both of whom can be regarded as particularly successful in their occupations.
Beats Electronics is about both sound and style.

Top Dawg Entertainment
As an independent record label, TDE in terms of brand values in particular would mainly be invested in the art, culture and history line of appeal (art in specific). With them taking an almost alternative, and different approach to the hip-pop genre by doing things such as amalgamating it with genres such as jazz, funk and spoken word, it’s evident that the label appreciate the music that they produce as art and not just a means of profit. Successful careers also fits into this since certain artists on the label are quite popular figures in the music industry.
TDE is about doing something different in terms of music.