Monday, 9 May 2016

1) Type up any feedback or comments from your paper in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).#

Lacks depth/question focus

Needs to be specific clips/ shots from clip

Lack of examples

Nothing from independent case study

2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade in AS Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need across Section A and Section B to achieve your target grade?

No I didn't meet my target grade in AS media overall I got an E and my target grade is a C

3) Read through the mark scheme. Pay particular attention to pages 5-8 that has anticipated content for each of the questions in Section A. How many of these potential points did you make? Did you successfully answer the questions?

4) Which was your strongest question in Section A? Why did you do better in that particular question?

My strongest question was media audience this felt much easier and more natural to talk about, maybe due to the fact I am a male and the question was targeted why a male audience could relate to this I just thought of how I would feel watching that naturally and applying the different conventions that was used in the call of duty trailer.

5) Which was your weakest question in Section A? Again, try and identify why this happened. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you run out of time?

Furthermore, my weakest question was institution and the different brands, at the time I couldn’t highlight any brand but looking back on the question there is a good amount to talk about regarding brands.

6) Rewrite your answer for your weakest question in Section A. This should now be a detailed, three-paragraph 12-mark response.

Call of duty is a well-known institution. They have other successful games such as call of duty black Opps. This means the call of duty already have an already loyal and established fan base. Furthermore, Megan Fox having a cameo appearance links because she has a fan base because she can glamorise the game in order to promote it. If the audience is presented with a trailer that gives an almost film-like experience they will be led to believe that the game itself is also like a Hollywood film.

Another brand that was in the call of duty trailer was Las Vegas. Las Vegas is commonly known for sex drugs and gambling this means that having this link with call of duty would mean that Las Vegas is a place to have fun but it also connote playing call of duty would be fun too. Therefore, using Las Vegas as the main setting further glamorises the game and helps to promote it by ensuring enjoyment whilst playing the game.In addition to that, the link to action/sci -fi genre films also helps to promote the film. This is done through the excitement caused during the firing and explosive scenes along with the scene in space'. This helps to further promote the film since it makes the game appear more interesting.

This trailer links to other existing Action genre such as films like gravity and also spectre. the way this links to both films is in one scene they are having warfare in space and the narrative of gravity is the main character surviving in space. in addition, the way the call of duty trailer links to spectre is because they both contained a snow chase scene and they had that in the trailer.

7) Now look at the mark scheme for Section B. Did you cover all three media platforms? Did you write about three different films in your essay?

Yes, I did cover all three media platform.

8) Question focus in the most important factor for a top-level response. Did you use the key words in the question in every paragraph?

I used the key words in more or less every paragraph but my points did lack question focus.

9) Finally, identify three things you will do differently in the real exam in two weeks. These can refer to preparation, notetaking, Section A or Section B - it is up to you.

I would want try and have more question focus and understand and highlight what the question is asking me.

I would want to be doing more notes taking and writing every single thing I see in the clip I am shown even if it is little things.

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